Idlewild PTA


Become a PTA Member!

The time to join the Idlewild Elementary School PTA is now! We desire your voice on key facets of your child’s educational experience! The PTA raises money to support many programs to help our students and works hard to organize events that focus on the following – Family/Community Engagement, Health/Wellness, Education, Advocacy and Safety. The small membership fee of $14 joins us in part to the regional and state-wide PTA organization which advocates for children. Your commitment of membership is minimal but the impact is substantial! With YOU, we can do more!

For more information, please email [email protected] or visit the Idlewild Elementary PTA website.

2023-24 PTA Membership Meetings


The Idlewild Elementary School PTA Members meet a minimum of 5 times a year and the Board of the PTA meets monthly.
For a full list of meetings, please visit our Programs & Activities webpage. 



Interested in volunteering?

To apply to be a volunteer, please complete the Clover Park School District Volunteer Application

Our Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) program is up and running! If you are a dad or "father figure" of an Idlewild student and are interested in being a member of Watch DOGS, visit our Watch DOGS webpage. 

Idlewild PTA supports the following activities throughout the year:
• Fundraising for programs, equipment, and support staff
• Providing teacher grants and staff appreciation
• Sponsoring enrichment programs and activities
• Coordinating and serving as volunteers
• Influencing legislation on behalf of children
• Making the school a better place to learn

Picture representing Idlewild Parent Organization

Idlewild PTA meetings are held in the library and are usually one hour in length. Attending PTA meetings is a great way to stay informed about what's going on at your child's school. Childcare is available for those who need it. A snack and door prize are available at each meeting. Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you there. 


2023-24 Officers and Board Members:

President Brandon Oubre
Vice President Nicole Carr 
Treasurer Mary Clark
Secretary Catrina Blood